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10 Best Online Stores For Used Outdoor Gear

Last Updated: November 2, 2022
Close-up on intermediate climber tying her shoelace

If you've ever taken a walk into a store that sells outdoor gear, you've most likely seen the price tags. Buying backpacking or camping gear for the first time can be an expensive purchase, especially if you want everything brand new.

Buying used gear online can save you a bundle while ensuring you have everything you need to hike or camp in the outdoors. So, what are the best online stores for used outdoor gear

I've spent hours backpacking and cold weather camping, and I'm here to tell you that you can get excellent used outdoor gear from several different online stores and have them ship it right to you.

These stores take a range of items that are in great shape and sell them for a fraction of their original cost, so you can easily outfit yourself without going broke for your next outdoor adventure. 

Since there are so many online stores that sell these types of items, I'm going to outline 10 reputable online stores that sell used outdoor gear.

You can take a look at the reviews to compare shops, look at the buying guide to ensure you pick out quality pieces, and gear up before you start planning your next hiking trip below. 

Key Takeaways
  • Do your research before buying anything and make sure to pay attention to the condition of hardgoods.
  • You don't have to buy everything brand new - consider buying gently used items that are in excellent condition.
  • Join or create a gear swap with like-minded people to get the best deals on outdoor gear.
  • There are a number of great online stores that sell used outdoor gear - compare them to find your new favorite.

Why Buy Used?

Even though you may be tempted to go all-out and buy new gear for your adventures in the outdoors, you should consider buying used items. Generally speaking, there are several reasons behind this. You are free to go out and buy all brand new items if that’s what strikes your fancy, but the following reasons are why most people flock to used gear stores, both online and in person. 

It Saves You Money

Outdoor gear, especially high-quality outdoor gear from well-known brands, can be extremely expensive. On top of this, you have to buy more than one or two pieces to fill in your outdoor wardrobe. You may even have to buy multiples to cover the different environments you’re going to go to. For example, the gear you need for cold weather camping is vastly different from the gear you need for backpacking or a short hike. Buying online lets you get everything you need for a fraction of the cost. 

It is Better for the Environment

Chances are, you’re going to outgrow or wear down your gear and need to replace it. Buying used can help keep these clothing and gear items out of the local landfill, and this makes it better for the environment. Buying these items gives them a new life, and you could wear them for years. 

You Can Experiment For Less

Maybe you have no idea which brand you’ll like better when it comes to hiking or camping gear. Buying used outdoor gear lets you experiment with different brands to find the perfect fit without going out and buying a $300 pair of hiking shoes only to find them uncomfortable. Instead, you can buy from different brands at a fraction of the cost until you find your new favorite. 

The Gear Has Already Been Broken In

Breaking in brand new gear can be uncomfortable or even painful. It can take a week or of constant wear to break in a pair of hiking boots or other gear. When you buy used outdoor gear, it comes broken in and ready to go from the start. In turn, you can go on your adventures much quicker. 

You Can Test the Outdoor Scene

Finally, buying online from a used retailer will let you buy several pieces to test the outdoor scene. What are your fellow hikers or camping experts wearing? What works best for you, depending on the adventure you have in mind? Trying different brands for a fraction of the cost will give you a good idea of what your preferred brand will be. 

Reviewing the Top 10 Best Online Stores For Used Outdoor Gear

Now that you know a few reasons why you should consider buying used outdoor gear, we're going to go over 10 of the best online stores where you can shop for all of your hiking, camping, and outdoor gear. 

1. Patagonia Worn Wear

Patagonia Worn Wear logo on white background
Patagonia Worn Wear
Protect and extend the life of outdoor gear by recycling it
The Patagonia Worn Wear website offers the Seconds collection and the Recrafted collection.
Visit Patagonia Worn Wear

Patagonia created Worn Wear because they had a desire to protect the environment by recycling used outdoor gear to help extend its life. In turn, this would reduce the amount of water, carbon, and waste footprint. They work on repairing and reselling gently worn items like outdoor apparel and backpacks. You can find them listed on the site under two main categories, including the Seconds collection and the Recrafted collection. The Recrafted collection has clothing items that they made from used clothes. They take different shades of older materials and combine them to create a new apparel piece. The Seconds collection has used outdoor gear that staff at Worn Wear repairs before they sell it. 

As a buyer, the company lets you get involved in your environmental protection campaign by offering a trade-in option on gear. You can exchange any old Patagonia gear you have laying around for store credit, or you can use them to buy used outdoor gear. There is also a Worn Wear mobile van unit that travels to different cities and offers minor repair services. They could repair your zipper, take care of loose threads, and fix ripped pockets on the spot. In 2020, they added a Shop Used button to the website too. 

Visit Patagonia Worn Wear

2. REI Used Gear

REI Used Gear logo on white background
REI Used Gear
Get great deals on gently used gear at REI
Their inventory includes some of the best brands in the industry, and every piece of used outdoor gear is cleaned and tested.
Visit REI Used Gear

REI has been an industry leader when it comes to selling high-quality outdoor gear. They had a large success selling items at in-store garage sales that feature both deadstock and returned items, and you can now get the same experience online. The company will test and clean every piece of used outdoor gear they get in their inventory, and they feature some of the best brands in the industry. You can shop from Altra, KEEN, Mountain Hardware, Patagonia, and more. You’ll be spoiled for choice if you’re looking for gear for cycling, backpacking, hiking, camping, or fitness from this online store. 

Along with selling new items, they added a used outdoor gear section to their online store. They also take in-house photographs of each item to accompany the listing so you can get a good look at what you’re going to buy before you actually buy it. It’s very easy to navigate from one category to the next, and it features a range of eye-catching photographs put together immaculately in the layout. If you’re a member of REI, you can now trade in your gently-used outdoor gear for gift cards. All you have to do is browse, find your items, add them to your cart, and check out. 

Visit REI Used Gear

3. Geartrade

Geartrade logo on white background
A popular online marketplace that connects sellers directly with buyers
Geartrade offers a wide range of outdoor gear and even allows you to sell items on the marketplace.
Visit Geartrade

Geartrade has been a large player in the outdoor gear industry for over 20 years, and it offers a very big catalog of products that represent almost every outdoor adventure you could take. They’re perfect for those planning a hiking trip or for people who are going cold weather camping. They also offer products for regular camping, hiking, and fly fishing. You can treat it like the eBay of outdoor gear, and it uses a very popular peer-to-peer marketplace that lets you buy gear outright or bid on it. If you do buy it outright, you’ll find used outdoor gear from Osprey, Patagonia, Mountain Hardware, and other reputable brands. 

This online store has gear that can go as low as 80% off the original price, and you’re able to shop or sell on the platform. There’s a deals section if you’re on a tight budget that will filter your gear results by a percentage off, depending on what you pick. They can go up to 90% off the retail price, and it offers items under $5.00, $10.00, and $20.00 for you to browse and buy. 

Visit Geartrade

4. Arc'teryx Rock Solid Used Gear

This brand makes some of the highest-quality outdoor gear on the current market. This includes the Gore-Tex jackets that have very few equals when you’re after apparel for weather control. This means that this brand comes with a very high price tag when your items are new, but their used outdoor gear is much more affordable without sacrificing quality or longevity. As a bonus, it’s also a way for you to help reduce textile waste when you purchase used gear from this store. You can buy outright or trade-in products like shirts, pants, jackets, dresses, and skirts for 20% of the suggested retail price. 

All you have to do if you want to trade items is bring them to any store location in Canada or the United States, or you can trade it in online. The staff will confirm your item's condition and give you 20% of the retail value in the form of a gift card. You can redeem this gift card at arcteryx.com, veilance.com, or www.usedgear.arcteryx.com. If you want to shop, you can buy your gear outright. The website outlines what you can and can’t trade-in. 

5. The North Face Renewed

This is an older company on the list, but it only started adding recycled items and selling used outdoor gear in the past few years. The pre-owned gear you can purchase from this online store is always in like-new condition because the company thoroughly inspects, cleans, repairs, and tests it before they list it for sale. The gear is limited to only TNF-branded items, but you can get excellent deals on gear for women, men, and children. They use a mix of damaged, returned, and defective items to transform them into functional new items. 

The Remade Collection is the area of the store you want to focus on if you’re after high-quality gear. As a bonus, all of their gear comes backed by a full-year warranty from the date of purchase. You can get summer items, fleece items, rainwear, and other items. The customer service team is highly responsive to any questions or concerns you have, and there is an auction area of the online store where you can bid on signed remade items. 

6. M.E.C. Gear Swap

This is a Canadian-based online retailer that sells used outdoor gear, but they have a slightly different gear resale program you can participate in. Rather than being the middleman that takes in gear people donate and lists it for resale, this company gives you a platform for buyers and sellers to interact directly. Any seller can post their used outdoor gear up for sale on the platform’s forum and wait for someone to contact them. As a bonus, anyone can post their used gear on the forum for sale. You can think of this store like an eBay for outdoor gear. 

You do have to be more careful when you use this type of online store or site, though. The swap-meet style of this platform does open you up to a degree of risk for being scammed, so you should be careful about suspicious people or requests. The platform recommends that you use an independent escrow service to help ensure both the money and items get to the correct people and both parties hold up their end of the bargain. You can browse the site by categories, including car racks and accessories, climbing, cycling, footwear, instruments and camping, kids, men’s clothing, packs, sleeping bags, snow sports, tents, watersports, and women’s clothing.

7. Outdoors Geek

Outdoors Geek has a traditional brick-and-mortar location in Denver, Colorado, and they now have an online version that you can shop at and have them ship it right to your door. They specialize in renting out their gear. However, they also offer used outdoor gear that they put in rotation to buy once it phases out of the rental program. Even though the gear gets a decent amount of use, it’ll still come to you in top-notch condition. If you have doubts, you can always rent the gear first before you commit to purchasing it. This is something you most likely won’t get to do anywhere else. 

You can purchase bike packs, sleeping bags, backpacks, dry bags, backpacking stoves, hydration supplies, trekking poles, camp chairs, GPS and locator devices, cots, hammocks, bear-proof food cans, tents, and other backpacking equipment. You do have to keep in mind that the shop offers a very limited range of backpacking equipment and camping gear to buy. So, if you do want to buy from here, you have to be quick when you see something for sale. They offer items from the biggest companies, including Gregory, the North Face, Exped, Big Agnes, and Marmot, so that you can find your favorite brand without an issue. 

8. Switchback Gear Exchange

The company has its base in Grand Rapids, Michigan, so it’s no surprise that the Switchback Gear Exchange specializes in items for urban commuters and cycling outfits. However, they do have a nice range of used gear that spans several categories. You can find hiking or camping gear and apparel here too. They’re very transparent with their offerings, and they have a very active community around the company. You’ll get an impressively expansive catalog to look through when you shop, and you can find just about all of the used outdoor gear you need to outfit yourself for time outdoors. 

As a bonus, the Switchback Gear Exchange also offers new gear and rents this gear out. So, if you only have a one-off weekend or trip planned, you can rent your gear and return it when you get back. However, not every item this store has on its site comes with images. So, you might find yourself having to make a purchase in good faith. Luckily, the staff is friendly and responsive to help take care of you if the gear you purchase isn’t up to your standards. You can also visit the community-focused cafe and order coffee and beer while you’re browsing. 

9. eBay

The final online store on our list for backpacking equipment, hiking equipment, or general outdoor gear is eBay. Although this platform doesn’t get specially tailored to target outdoor enthusiasts, it’s an excellent place to browse and shop for used gear. This company was also the first to have a garage sale-type store in an online form, and it completely flipped how people were able to list and sell all of their used items. Luckily for you, this includes a range of outdoor gear. Since it launched, eBay has taken a host of steps to refine the search and buying products using a peer-to-peer marketplace that is responsive and user-friendly. 

You can take advantage of eBay’s advanced filter and search options to make it easy to find the perfect used outdoor gear you need. They have an Outdoor Sports category that is packed with thousands of pieces of gear, and this gear ranges from boots and shoes to jackets, backpacks, tents, and more. It’s an immensely popular platform that offers one of the biggest selections of outdoor gear. Also, you can buy outright or bid against other buyers to snag the perfect item. Make sure you check the seller’s rating to ensure you only deal with reputable vendors. 

10. TruNorthwest Exchange

TruNorth Exchange is another online shop that allows you to rent items if you only need them for a one-off adventure or you can buy gently used outdoor gear to keep. You’ll get a very clean website that is easy to navigate, and you can choose from a broad range of gear. They offer biking equipment, golfing equipment, hiking and camping gear, water gear, travel gear, snow gear, and items for men, women, and children, all sorted out into neat categories. Additionally, you can purchase gift cards, items from local artisans, and more all on one platform. 

This shop features some of the biggest brands in the outdoor gear industry, including Patagonia, Osprey, Kuhl, MSN, Big Agnes, and many more. Each apparel item gets showcased on a mannequin so you can see how it looks, and there are very clear pictures of every item you can buy along with a short description that ensures you find exactly what you’re looking for. You can return your item within 14 days of getting it if you’re not 100% satisfied with the condition, and they offer a tiered shipping rate based on weight and whether or not it’s an international shipment. 

Tips for Buying Used Outdoor Gear

When it comes to buying used outdoor gear for cold weather camping, backpacking, or if you're wondering what to wear hiking, the following tips can help. 

Do Your Research

First things first, do your research. Make a list of everything you could possibly need gear-wise when you start planning a hiking trip. Separate it into categories like pants, shirts, outerwear, backpacks, shoes, and so on. Start researching reputable companies and search for your gear. Make sure you can see pictures of it, read the descriptions, and double-check how it fits. Some brands tend to run small, and you may need to buy a size up. 

When Buying Hardgoods, Pay Attention

Your hardgoods are things like your tents, backpacks, kayaks, trekking poles, stoves, and water bottles. If you’re going to buy used, make sure you pay close attention to their condition. Look for any obvious wear and tear or damage. Skip more damaged items because you want these items to last for years. 

Don’t Be Afraid to Invest in Used Products

There’s no rule that says you absolutely have to buy everything brand new. Instead, you shouldn’t be afraid to buy used items that are in excellent condition. In fact, you can easily find these items in like-new condition for a fraction of the retail price when you shop online for used outdoor gear in gear stores. 

Create or Join a Gear Swap

Gear swaps allow you to take any outdoors-related items you have and swap them with like-minded people. You can create your own local group, or you can do a little research and join one that is already established. Just make sure you’re working with reputable people to avoid getting scammed out of money or items. 

Take Advantage of the Used Outdoor Gear Network

This expansive network includes everything from online stores and auction platforms to in-person consignment shops. We’ve outlined 10 great online stores that sell used gear, and you can browse them to find all of the items you need to stay warm and safe on your next outdoor adventure. 

Bottom Line

When it comes to outdoor gear, there is nothing wrong with buying gently used items. We've reviewed 10 of the best online stores to purchase used outdoor gear, and you can compare them to find your new favorite. Once you pick out your pieces, they'll ship them to your door. 

We encourage you to consider lowering your footprint and being more environmentally conscious by shopping used, and you now have a fantastic starting point. You'll be able to get all of the gear you need to stay dry, warm, and happy while you're out and about in the great outdoors.

I’m passionate about all things outdoors, bridging the gap between generations and sharing my passion for hiking and camping. My goal is to spread the endless benefits of being outside, always striving for better performance, new challenges, and ways to explore responsibly.
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